

What Should I Consider When Choosing A New Neighborhood?

Are you in the market to purchase a new home? Considering what is important to look for in a neighborhood can certainly be overwhelming. Here are several tips to ensure you and your family land in just the right area! Source: The Ultimate Guide to Choosing...

As The Economy Grows, Will Home Sales Follow?

  Job growth has continued to be strong, in combination with rising rents, means younger people entering the workforce are looking at purchasing rather than renting. Millennials are seeking out cities with affordable prices -- a good sign Source: The Economy Is Growing -- What's That Mean For Home...

How Much Time Do Americans Spend on Yardwork? 

For the next five days, the forecast in NE Ohio looks FANTASTIC.  Sunny skies and warm temperatures.  Anyone from NE Ohio knows that this is a big deal.  Also, being mid-April, there is one big task on  everyones' minds...

Front-Yard Garden Trends

Before we know it, it will be time to start planting our vegetable gardens.  While most of our gardens are in the backyard, we found this great article about front-yard gardens that we wanted to share with our Kurtz & Co. friends! Below are several...

Your April Home Checklist

With lengthening days and milder temperatures, we, at Kurtz & Co., are getting our own homes ready for the spring and summer!  Below are 13 To-Do's that will help you get home ready for the first full week of warm weather.  Hope it comes soon! "Have...