
Buy, Sell, Create, Dwell

How to Choose Your Design For A Pet-Friendly Home!

Approximatlry 44 % of all households in the US own pets. When choosing layouts and designs, there are some key elements and ideas that you can improve and create a more pet-friendly home. Source: How to Make Your Home Design Pet-Friendly | RISMedia's Housecall...

Protect Your Home From Odorless And Tasteless Gas

Radon is an invisible, odorless and tasteless gas that is lurking in millions of American homes. Check out this informative article as to how you can protect your home and loved ones. Source: Protect Your Home from an Invisible—and Fatal—Danger: Radon | RISMedia's Housecall...

Great Day At The Indians Game!

Kurtz & Company had a fabulous day at the Indians Game on June 15th! A great win for the Indians and a great way to celebrate hitting our goals YTD! Thanks Jim and Patti for a relaxing afternoon out of the office!...


As you can see…Kurtz & Company Services all of North East Ohio! Call us today if you are in the market for BUYING or SELLING! When You’re With Us, You’re in Good Company! 330-656-3069 Check out the map below.   ...